Dr. Crispin Williams

- Chair
- Associate Professor
- Ph.D. University of London
Contact Info
1445 Jayhawk Blvd
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
Crispin Williams studies early Chinese language and culture with a particular focus on the analysis and interpretation of excavated early Chinese texts. He works primarily on the Wenxian 溫縣 covenant texts (mengshu 盟書) and is collaborating on a project to research and publish these materials.
Selected Publications
“Early References to Collective Punishment in an Excavated Chinese Text: Analysis and Discussion of an Imprecation from the Wenxian Covenants.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 2011, Vol. 74, issue 3, 437-467
“Wenxian mengshu WT5K14 mengshu bushi: shuo ‘gong’ zi” 溫縣盟書WT5K14盟書補釋:說‘龏’字 (Supplemental Explication of the Wenxian WT5K14 Covenant Text: the Character ‘gong’). Chutu wenxian yu chuanshi dianji de quanshi – jinian Tan Pusen xiansheng shishi liang zhounian guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji《出土文獻與傳世典籍的詮釋——紀念譚樸森先生逝世兩週年國際學術研討會論文集, Fudan Daxue Chutu Wenxian Yu Guwenzi Yanjiu Zhongxin (ed.). Shanghai: Shanghai guji 上海古籍, 2010, 99–129.
“Houma yu Wenxian mengshu zhong de ‘Yue Gong’” 侯馬與溫縣盟書中的 ‘岳公’ (The ‘Lord Yue’ of the Houma and Wenxian Covenant Texts). Wenwu 文物, 2010, issue 10, 76–83, 98.
“Ten Thousand Names: Rank and Lineage Affiliation in the Wenxian Covenant Texts.” Asiatische Studien, LXIII·4·2009, 959–989.
“A Methodological Procedure for the Analysis of the Wenxian Covenant Texts.” Asiatische Studien, LIX·1·2005, 61–114.
“Shuo Wenxian mengshu de ‘ke shen qi de’” 說溫縣盟書的 ‘恪慎其德’ (On the Phrase ‘ke shen qi de’ in the Wenxian Covenant Texts).Xin chu jian bo yanjiu 新出簡帛研究, Ai Lan 艾蘭, Xing Wen 邢文 ed., Beijing: Wenwu 文物, 2004, 208–217.
The Guodian Laozi: Proceedings of the International Conference, Dartmouth College, May 1998, (co-editor with Sarah Allan), The Society for the Study of Early China and The Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 2000.
Chinese edition: Guodian Laozi: dong xi fang xuezhe de duihua 郭店老子東西方學者的對話 (Guodian Laozi: A conversation between Western and Eastern scholars). Translated and edited by Xing Wen 邢文, Beijing, Xueyuan 學苑, 2002.